
A Typescript Client for Prusa Link

Start building your own 3D printing workflows.

The package has been built from the Prusa-Web-Link OpenAPI specification and tested using our Prusa minis using 5.x firmware. The typings are mostly there but any issues then please raise them and we can correct them. There are a few endpoints (mainly cameras) that need completing but we need some of those devices to test against (Prusa, if you come across this, like it and have some spare devices then I am more than happy to finish off the client and test it 😊).

To install the package, use the following code (switch out pnpm for your chosen package manager npm, yarn or bun).

pnpm install @jamesgopsill/prusa-link


import { PrusaLink, PrusaLinkConfig } from "@jamesgopsill/prusa-link"

const config: PrusaLinkConfig = {
// You can find these in your printer settings.
ip: "",
username: "",
password: "",
debug: false,

const link = new PrusaLink(config)

const r = await link.version.get()
if (r.content) console.log(r.content)


The docs have been produced using TypeDoc and can be accessed here.

Running the tests

To run the test suite, you will need to create a setup.ts file in the __tests__ folder and paste in the following lines of code with your config. And, have a prusa printer on your network 😊.

import { beforeAll } from "bun:test"
import { PrusaLink, PrusaLinkConfig } from "../src/index.ts"

export let link: PrusaLink

beforeAll(() => {
const config: PrusaLinkConfig = {
ip: "",
username: "",
password: "",
debug: true,
link = new PrusaLink(config)


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